Tuesday 19 May 2015

Job Interview Nails

Hi guys!

Just a quick one. I had a job interview today. I always freak out about my nails prior to job interviews – Should I go really safe and wear a nude? Should I show my personality? Should I try and blend both? Should I paint my interviewers face and the company logo across my fingers?! (totally, joking with that last one…kind of).

Anyway, so I thought I would share what I went with this time  - Trout Pout by Butter London. I decided on no nail art because I thought it would look more professional. However, this shade is a gorgeous bright coral so still had a little bit of ‘me’ about it without being too in your face. What do you think?

Trout Pout Butter London  Swatch Job Interview Nails
Job Interview Nails - Trout Pout

Trout Pout Butter London Swatch Job Interview Nails
Trout Pout - Outside shot

Rhi. xx

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